I am the mountain
I am the mountain
You mine for ore
Looking for healing
In all my rich deposits
In old ragged veins
In rocks, secret rocks
In height and a secret depth
How deep does a mountain go
And where is its heart?
I am the mountain
You mine for ore
Looking for reassurance
From a rock
From a pile of rocks
As if love was geologic
As if you knew I loved you by mountain rules
Seemingly eternal
(I am a rock)
I loved you like a mountain
Veins embedded with my great care
And your great neglect (humans just ruin it anyway)
Permanent slivers of glitter and shine
I fed with my slow, twisting ache
I fed with the earth
Here you are, forever- see?
You came to visit
Looking for yourself
Looking to know that you are still worthy of love
Eking out the aquamarine
Around every corner
Something about your eyes
And your ease in the water
Something about the stone only costing 20 dollars!
A joke about being cheap but pretty
Great snaking aquamarine, a hard hard river
You came to the mountain
The great giving tree of the PNW
Here, take my apples
Here, take my heart
Mountain as reflecting pond
Mountain as womb
Mountain as extraction
Mountain as no one will notice
What is a mountain
but a memory
Who stands
And holds
And harbors
And is too big to be seen